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Alternatives to Animal Testing – The only way Forward for the EU via Cosmetics Europe

The introduction of the full ban on animal testing for cosmetics in the EU in 2013 was unquestionably a pivotal milestone for animal welfare. Today, when the discussion on animal testing is high on the European agenda again, Cosmetics Europe emphasises its full support for the ban under the EU Cosmetic Products Regulation.

We value all initiatives aimed at promoting animal-free testing and welcome the fact that the European Citizens’ Initiative ‘Save cruelty-free cosmetics – Commit to a Europe without animal testing’ raises important questions.

The interface between the EU Cosmetic Products Regulation and the REACH chemicals regulation, which permits the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), in certain circumstances, to request animal testing data for cosmetic ingredients, has posed challenges which are ongoing. Cosmetics Europe urges ECHA to ensure an ethical and responsible approach and always consider the use of non-animal testing methods.

31 August 2021

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