The Cosmetics Testing News

Follow the testing news dedicated to innovations and trends in the evaluation of active, ingredients, cosmetics and medical devices

Efficacy of your skincare products with Intertek

Evaluate the efficacy and the safety of your skincare products with:
– Clinical scoring for an evaluation by professionals of the sector,
– Instrumental measurements for precise evaluation on specific parameters,
– Self-evaluations to assess the volunteer’s feelings.

Our qualified team allows us to be a force of proposal and to give you some technical and organizational recommendations for each of your innovative studies.
Finally, our experience of more than 20 years and our network of professional experts, with dermatologists, ophthalmologists, beauticians, masseurs, tattooists, clinical trial technicians …, allows us to be closer to your expectations to advise, supervise, implement the application and/or the clinical evaluation of your professional and public products.

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