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Identification of Counterfeit Products by EXPERTOX

Quality analysis of industrial products in control laboratory guarantee the authenticity of a product or a formulation before it is placed on the market. Several analyzes are possible through the use of analytical equipment to investigate the chemical composition, they permit to precise results on the chemical composition of complex matrices. The main tests are:

  • Analysis of the packaging by content-container interaction tests, or by microscopic observation of material,
  • Analysis of the composition of the formula, research of raw materials,
  • Analysis of traces and impurities,
  • Screening for banned compounds or harmful substances.

Analytical strategy helps authorities to identify counterfeit products on the market. The EXPERTOX laboratory offers to support you in the identification of counterfeit products through the detection of specific markers.



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EXPERTOX laboratory

14 rue Godefroy Cavaignac – 75011 Paris

Tél : +33 (01) 43 67 96 56

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