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Opinion on the safety of aluminium in cosmetic products by Expertox

In the light of the new data provided, the SCCS considers that the use of aluminium compounds is safe at the following equivalent aluminium concentrations up to: 6.25% in non-spray deodorants or non-spray antiperspirants, 10.60% in spray deodorants or spray antiperspirants, 2.65% in toothpaste and, 0.77 % in lipstick. The SCCS considers that the systemic exposure to aluminium via daily applications of cosmetic products does not add significantly to the systemic body burden of aluminium from other sources. Exposure to aluminium may also occur from sources other than cosmetic products, and a major source of aluminium in the population is the diet. This assessment has not taken into account the daily dietary intake of aluminium.

Download the full article: EXPERTOX – Newsletter Mai 2020



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