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Best Of #3 Study Impact of Subjective Panels versus Expert/Objective Assessed Conditions by Validated Claim Support

Although Subjective panels and Expert/Objective panels may appear and sound very similar, in fact they mean two very different things. Subjective refers to information that is based on personal opinions, and Objective refers to information that is based on factual evidence. They are essentially descriptors for information or writing that help you substantiate whether they are a credible source.


A subjective point of view is characterized by the past experiences, knowledge, perceptions, understanding and desires of the specific subject. These statements are exclusively based on the ideas or opinion of the subject making it, as there is no universal truth.


As the information is entirely facts based, it can be is observable, quantifiable, and provable. It can be counted, described, and reproduced.

It presents hard facts and is free from any individual influences, so it proves helpful in rational decision making. In most cases objective statements contain statistics that can be verified if needed.



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