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The Benefits of CBD for Acne via Skin Inc

Cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabinoid therapy, which uses CBD or other active compounds from the cannabis plant species, is here to stay. As a 22-year veteran esthetician, I’ve seen many skin care fads come and go. Remember the infamous bird poop facial, bee sting facial, leech therapy, vampire facelift, Thai slap massage—and my personal favorite—the snail facial? But with CBD skin treatments, there’s substance—and science—behind the hype and buzz. CBD treatments are based on real-world research, not just trends and slick marketing tactics.

More and more, science is the driver behind skin care products and treatments. As estheticians, we want our clients to gain more than just a sense of relaxation from their professional skin care treatments; we want them to see positive results that leave their skin healthier and their self-confidence heightened.

In this article, I’ll discuss some of the science behind CBD and share how the cannabinoid affects the skin and can help relieve acne.

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 By Heather Kreider –

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