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Efficacy test on skin barrier function and hydration : effect on natural ceramide synthesis by StratiCell

28 May 2020

Ceramides are among the main lipid constituent of the skin, playing a major role on the integrity of the skin barrier function and hydration.

Skincare products able to improve the natural level of ceramides could help restoring the hydration and, to a larger extend, the barrier function of disordered skins. The new in vitro “ceramide-impaired 3D skin model” designed by StratiCELL provides relevant data on the effect of ingredients on the biological processing of ceramides at the transcriptomic level.

Investigate and confirm the in vitro efficacy of your product by comparison to a positive reference compound for full objectivation.

For further information, please contact StratiCell on or visit us on booth Y20 at In-Cosmetics Global in Barcelona.